TLC will be closed on Thursday 11/10 and Friday 11/11 due to a death in the family, and the founder of the TLC Animal Shelter, Dennis Carter Sr. . Please respect the families wishes to keep the wake and funeral private, with just family and close friends' they are going through a very hard time. Thank you. Just keep them in your prayers.
To sum up the life of Dennis Carter Is not easy. He was a good man and a God fearing man. He was born in Downers Grove and spent the majority of his life there. As a boy he went to St Joseph School and upon graduating he went to St. Procopius He received a bachelors degree in agriculture and thought he would go into farming, little did he know his plans would change after his Dad’s untimely death. He was asked to take over his Dad’s position as manager of the Hinsdale Humane Society. This eventually led him to start a shelter of his own naming it Tender Loving Care Animal Shelter in 1974 in an area that was rural at the time and the need for great. 48 years later he was still involved with how the shelter would run, and the major decision making.
He loved his family and to him it was always family first. He was a kind hearted, charismatic, giving man. If e knew someone was down and out he would try to help them, even if it meant giving them his last dollar. He was a friend to so many and helped numerous people often anonymously. He never wanted fame or attention for things he did or the animals he saved. He had a special place in his heart for children and animals, and you could see the warmth and twinkle in his eye when someone would place a baby in his arms. He was a mans man and women thought he was wonderful because of his compassion, and comforting ways. He touched the lives of many people throughout the years each in his own special way. People who knew him, were proud do call him friend, and knew they could always count on him.
Let’s not leave out his love for his Harleys and his tattoos.
There is so much more and so many stories that could be told about this wonderful man but to reiterate, Dennis was not the type of guy who wanted notoriety. From all of the e' comments that speaks for itself on how people loved and respected him,
He fought a long hard fight with cancer, kidney failure and the ravages of diabetes, but now his battle is over and he is at peace, and with the Lord and his family and friends that I am sure greeted him at Heaven’s gate. He will be greatly missed but will live in our hearts and minds until we meet again
And now what you have all been anxiously waiting for, the names of the Rafflemania winners:
1st Prize: $2,500.00 won by Johathon Long
2nd Prize: Ladies diamond ring won by Rich Orlovich
3rd Prize: $600.00 won by Michelle Higgins
4th Prize : $500.00 won by Jessica Johnson Berrios
5th Prize: $200.00 Gift Certificate to Home Depot won by Carol Walters
6th Prize: $200.00 won by Deborah Murtaugh
7th Prize: Gift Card collection won by Lynn Mrkvicka
8th Prize: $100.00 won by Beth Manion
9th Prize: $100.00 Jewel Gift Card won by Carol Dumas
10th Prize: $100 Visa Gift Card wo by Denise Bachmann
We wish you all could have won, but the real winners are the homeless animals at TLC. The event raised $17,890.00!!!! WOOHOO! That will help provide food shelter and medical care for quite a few animals. We also want to thank Keith Miller for putting the raffle on line for us and all the work that he put into it!